Collapse Club holds three meetings per week, on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. You are welcome at any or all. Meetings are free and without obligation.
Wednesdays - U.S. evening, Australia morning
Thursdays -
Europe evening, U.S. midday
Saturdays -
U.S. midday, Europe evening
To see the meeting times in your time zone, please visit our Time Zone Verifier calendar, showing the times for all meetings.
When you submit the adjacent form, you'll receive an automatic email with the Zoom link and information about our meetings. You will also be subscribed to our weekly newsletter Collapse Club This Week. (It's easy to unsubscribe if you decide it's not for you.)
For help or more information, please email
When you sign up, you'll be subscribed to our weekly newsletter Collapse Club This Week , with meeting reminders and short essays about our work. (It's easy to unsubscribe if you decide it's not for you.)
After you sign up, you are welcome to attend any of our weekly meetings without further registration. To see the meeting times in your time zone, please visit our Time Zone Verifier
Thank you for signing up to attend a Collapse Club meeting! You will receive an email with our Zoom link, momentarily.
For help or more information, please email
See you soon!
Click here for resources if you are having trouble coping with collapse.