
About Us

Collapse Club is...

Regular Zoom Meetings: Bringing people together to share their experience of collapse and to cultivate communal wisdom. (See our Meetings page.)

An Online Community: Providing continuing connection and ongoing dialogue among members. (Visit our Facebook Group.)

An Expanding Collection of Wisdom: Exploring beneficial ways to live in the time of collapse. We share these ideas in our Member Stories.


Meet Our Conveners

David Baum

David Baum

David B. is the host of the Collapse Club video channel on YouTube. He went to Harvard for three semesters, majoring in "turn on, tune in, and drop out." Subsequently, he worked in the theatre, animal sheltering, and neighborhood emergency preparedness. He was a volunteer for the Deep Adaptation Forum from 2019 to 2021. He writes on Substack. Email David.

Susan Porter

Susan Porter

Susan is an artist with over 25 years of membership in 12-step recovery groups. She has a strong desire to connect with and participate in building an online collapse-aware community. She has a Substack where she posts her thoughts on various aspects of collapse and recovery. Prints of Susan's artwork are available at FineArtAmerica. Email Susan.

Matthew Painton

Matthew Painton

Matthew’s lifelong environmentalism and social activism did not prepare him for the sudden collapse awareness that completely unravelled him in 2017. Since then he has been working closely with fellow coaches, therapists, facilitators and educators to upgrade our sensemaking practices in order to help others get to grips with what is transpiring on earth and to respond with virtue. He coaches Deep Adaptation and full-spectrum sensemaking one-to-one and in groups, does photography to transmute his anxiety into beauty, and lives in the UK. Please email Matthew here:  Matthew's email, if you would like to contact him about coaching.

David McHugh

David McHugh

David is a Mental Wellness Coach and Hypnotherapist. He teaches a course called, "Reflective Relaxation - A mindful technique to learn deep relaxation." The course comprises three core lessons; each lesson is approximately one hour. The course is free or by donation, as participants feel. Participants should commit to keeping half a day free, with no distractions from pets, family, friends or work. He recommends participants find a secluded room with a supportive armchair. Please email David here: David's email, if you are interested in the course, and state the country you will attend the course from. He will message you the next available course date and times, along with a zoom link.

Teresa Persighetti

Teresa Persighetti

Teresa was a member of the U.K. Green Party in the 1980s, a Parliamentary election candidate and the London rep on the Party’s organising committee. Later, Greenpeace kept her informed of the escalating climate and ecological catastrophe. From 2019 she became involved in creative and joyous actions instigated by Extinction Rebellion. Her continuing connection to nonviolent direct action groups (mostly in support roles now) sits alongside her profound acceptance of collapse: direct action might slow it down and is a community of great people who understand what is happening.

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