
Meeting Flow


Meetings last about 90 minutes. Please note: The meeting is locked several minutes after the start time to protect the integrity of the process.

  • Introduction/Grounding

  • Check-In What have you noticed about collapse this week?

  • Circles How are you living with collapse?

  • Glimmers What brings you joy in the midst of collapse?

  • Goodbye


The Conveners welcome participants and give a sketch of the meeting flow. The Conveners lead a short grounding exercise to help the group focus on the upcoming meeting.

Check-In: What have you noticed about collapse this week?

This is a brief check-in, about 2 minutes per person. This helps us toward a common reality and gives us a context for our sharing.

Some specific questions to consider:

  1. Have you seen signs of collapse?
  2. Do you think about collapse, even when your life is normal?
  3. Do you see collapse differently than other people?

Circles – How are you living with collapse?

The meeting divides into breakout rooms of 6-8 people. Each room includes a Convener or an experienced participant to help guide the process.

Each participant has about five minutes to share their reflections about collapse. Whatever you wish to share is welcome, or consider 'The Three Questions:'

  1. What are your feelings about collapse?
  2. Are you making changes in how you live?
  3. What are you discovering by living in a new way?

Each person speaks without interruption. The rest of the group listens and attends. This sharing is the heart of the meeting.

Glimmers – What brings you joy in the midst of collapse?

To end the meeting we share 'Glimmers,' which are the opposite of 'Triggers.' Glimmers are like tiny sparks of positivity that can appear even during difficult or challenging situations. They are those little moments that make you feel good, happy, or proud, even when things might seem tough.


The Conveners thank the participants, provide information about future sessions, and wish everyone goodbye.


The Benefits of Our Meetings

  • Relief from isolation: You are not alone.
  • Be heard: Express and process your feelings.
  • Receive empathy and support: We are people who understand.
  • Learn from others' experience: We're going through it, too.
  • Participate in a communal search for meaning: We're all on the path.

We believe in healing through connection. Sharing our feeling and experience with others can be deeply healing. When we feel seen, heard, and understood, it can help us integrate difficult emotions and find a way forward. Authentic connection is a powerful antidote to despair.

We aim to provide emotional support. Grappling with the implications of collapse and our own mortality can be emotionally overwhelming. Having others who understand and validate our feelings can help us feel less alone and provide much-needed support during difficult times.

Our intention is to help each other to live with authenticity, compassion, and integrity. We cannot solve collapse, but we can find ways to hold it in a larger context of meaning, beauty, and love.

We hope you’ll join us!

snail shell


  • Everything said in a meeting is confidential.

  • Politeness and respect are required at all times, even in difficult conversations.

  • Please listen and attend while others are speaking. No interruptions, please, and please don't create side conversations in the chat.

  • Please share your lived experience. We are not discussing theories or politics, and if we talk about the news we focus on how it impacts our personal lives. We are interested in you personally, because it is from your personal lived experience that all thinking and action emerge. Please share from your life.

Safety and Responsibility

  • The Conveners will rigorously enforce standards of politeness and respect, but you are responsible for your own emotional safety in this group. Please share and interact only in ways that you are comfortable with. 

  • This group is not appropriate for people in a state of acute emotional instability or psychological crisis. 

  • Our meetings are intended for adults. We discuss serious and sometimes disturbing issues. We encourage people under the age of 18 to seek guidance from a parent or trusted adult.

  • Please do not attend if you are in the process of drinking or getting high.

  • If you feel you have been treated with disrespect in this group, or you are uncomfortable about any aspect of the group process, please bring it to the Conveners' attention:

  1. You can send a message to a Convener in the meeting chat.
  2. You can stay on the call after the official ending time to speak with the Conveners.
  3. You can send the Conveners an email: welcome@collapseclub.com. 

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