
"How are we to live in the time of collapse?"

We're Here for You.

Do you feel alone and isolated with your knowledge of collapse? Your family and friends don’t understand? In a Collapse Club meeting, you will join like-minded people in a safe, structured space to discuss your concerns about our world’s converging crises. Sign up for a meeting and become a part of our community.


Sign up for meetings and receive our weekly newsletter!

We're Here for You.

Do you feel alone and isolated with your knowledge of collapse? Do your family and friends not understand what you're seeing and feeling? In a Collapse Club meeting, you will join like-minded people in a safe, structured space to discuss your concerns about our world’s converging crises. Sign up for a meeting and become a part of our community.

Find Community 

at Our Weekly Meetings

We hold three meetings per week, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. You are welcome at any or all. Meetings are free and without obligation. 

If you have not previously attended a meeting, please sign up to receive the Zoom link. If you have already attended a meeting, you'll get the link in a reminder email.


To see the meeting times in your time zone, please visit our Time Zone Verifier calendar, showing all meeting times.


Sign up for meetings and receive our weekly newsletter!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Collapse Club Saturday meetings to be discontinued.

Collapse Club Saturday meetings will be discontinued after a final meeting March 29. Our Wednesday and Thursday meetings will continue as usual.

We're doing this to ease the burden on our volunteer Conveners, and to align our offerings with the level of need. We hope that everyone who wants to can join us on Wednesdays or Thursdays, going forward. In the immortal words of service organizations everywhere: "We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!"

Our meeting times have not changed. To verify the meeting times for our Wednesday and Thursday meetings, please visit the Collapse Club Event Calendar at https://teamup.com/kssbrfryteqm3kobn8?showViewSelector=0&view=l 


See you soon!

Find Out How Our Meetings Work

We have a simple agenda built around questions which invite you to share your personal experience of collapse. Learn more on our Meetings page.


  • Check-In – What have you noticed about collapse this week?
  • Circles – How are you living with collapse?
  • Glimmers – What brings you joy in the midst of collapse?

Read Our Member Stories

Photo of young people dancing at a concert.
By Shyla February 22, 2025
This article on young folks, from an old folks’ perspective, doesn’t capture my experience or that of my peers. My crew & I, young and old, are grieving the losses but more interested in creating what we can from the shell & bones of collapse. We don’t have the luxury of dying before it happens, unless we die by suicide or natural disaster, so we’re skill-building on how to build community and coalitions of like-minded people; adapt to & filter out fast-moving news streams; breathe through & transmute pain; serve as death doulas, nurses, Community Health Workers (CHWs), facilitators, and artists; continue to sing & dance together like humans always have.
Photo of large, old tree stump with sapling spouting out of the middle of it.
By Robert Mitchell February 16, 2025
Having participated in groups like Collapse Club and Death Cafe, and having run my own group Planet Titanic Human Extinction Café, it’s hard not to notice how few people under the age of 30 join us in these forums. After all, like us, many if not most of them are aware of the societal collapse and human extinction which are close at hand.
photo of frog in pine tree
By Zoe Leach January 31, 2025
I was born in 1985, at 345.72 ppm of carbon to two middle-class artist parents. As a child of the nineties, I remember learning about the Amazon rainforest and being totally captivated by it, and then feeling the concomitant horror when I learned about the slash and burn agriculture that was destroying it. I wanted to stop this destruction, but of course was helpless to do so.
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Latest from the CC Blog

Photo of young people dancing at a concert.
By Shyla February 22, 2025
This article on young folks, from an old folks’ perspective, doesn’t capture my experience or that of my peers. My crew & I, young and old, are grieving the losses but more interested in creating what we can from the shell & bones of collapse. We don’t have the luxury of dying before it happens, unless we die by suicide or natural disaster, so we’re skill-building on how to build community and coalitions of like-minded people; adapt to & filter out fast-moving news streams; breathe through & transmute pain; serve as death doulas, nurses, Community Health Workers (CHWs), facilitators, and artists; continue to sing & dance together like humans always have.
Photo of large, old tree stump with sapling spouting out of the middle of it.
By Robert Mitchell February 16, 2025
Having participated in groups like Collapse Club and Death Cafe, and having run my own group Planet Titanic Human Extinction Café, it’s hard not to notice how few people under the age of 30 join us in these forums. After all, like us, many if not most of them are aware of the societal collapse and human extinction which are close at hand.


Snail Shell

Susan Porter

"I love how CC meetings provide listening space where everyone can express their honest point of view and how they feel without judgement. I feel less crazy when I hear someone else say out loud something I have thought or felt myself. It broadens my perspective when I hear someone talk about what they have seen in their part of the world and how they are coping."

Karen Perry

"Your meeting really touched on what is missing in the usual conversations, and what is needed the most: How are we living our daily lives with our Acceptance and how is Collapse showing up for us. What does it look like, feel like, and what specifically are we each doing...all in practical terms, not in abstractions...and not in what we wish the whole world was doing, or imagining some fairytale global responses. You really brought the focus to the ground level, to look at ourselves in the mirror, and speak our own truths uniquely. That is HUGE!"

Rachel M.

"It's been incredibly rewarding to be on these Collapse Club calls and finally feeling a community of people with shared ways of thinking which I've been longing for for so long. The 'Glimmers' and space for emotional honesty is helping me see a path forward. It's been so wonderful to feel connected and I am very thankful to have this community!"

Matt G.

"I experienced great warmth and mutuality in the Collapse Club session. It really was a welcoming space. So much relief! The rhythm and length of the session were just right for me. It is so well designed and facilitated! There is just enough protocol to hold the space coherently without smothering the openness. I imagine this is a common thing, but I left thinking: Wow! We spent the whole time talking about collapse and tragedy, but I can’t budge the feeling of radiance and joy that came out of it! Collapse Club matters to me. It's rare and wise. Thank you!"

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